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Dear Alien chapter 1

Dear Alien,
If you’re reading this you have taken over me or somehow killed me.
Thanks, from the bottom of my heart.
This hell that is my life now can’t end. Never ends. And so you have taken out of my misery. And that’s why I thank you…
Right now, I’m sitting in Alien Human Experimentation Labs. My pencil is quivering in my hand. I shouldn't be writing with a dislocated shoulder, but I don’t care.  I need to write this.
I put down the pencil and roll my sore wrist. How long has it been since I’ve written? It feels like centuries. But my normal life- my life before the aliens- only ended two and a half years ago. So it’s much, much less than centuries.
I turn my head to inspect my captor. He was turned with his back to me. Unusual, but I’ll take the window.
I pick up my pencil again and return to my letter.

I'm a prisoner, owned by AHE. Your company, your people, your kind. Yeah, you. Thanks to you, I’ve been broken- physically and mentally- more times than I can count. I’ve been bent to see how far that can go without breaking. I end up breaking again. Experiment after experiment done on me.
But why me?
Why me?
Why am I the one here?

I break out sobbing. The pencil slips out of my fingers as I shove my hands on my face, trying to muffle the noise of my cries. I cry out, wordlessly, as emotions, thoughts and memories get the best of my mind.
I see it again.
The horrifying image, like a searing burn, a reopened wound.
Not now.
Not this.
Get it out.
I sob for another few minutes, rocking back and forth, tears pricking my eyes and rolling down my cheeks.
I look out the tiny window in my room. The moon peeks through the bars, like an old friend or a significant other climbing up a ladder to see you, like Jughead did in Riverdale.
Hey there, Juliet.
I sigh and climb up the stack of empty boxes I made leading up to the barred window. I look out at the night sky, breathing in the cold, crisp smell.
That clears my mind up well.
I slowly make my way down the ladder and curl into the small bed I have. It squeaks as I roll over and snuggle into my pillow.
As soon as I drift into sleep, my Nightmare Express starts up, with a silent roar and a scream ringing in my ears.

My own.


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