Part 2- The Fugitive
The forest. The window is gone. There is a small camp set up, with a tent on the left and two logs on the sides of a campfire. Daryn is sitting on the log to the left, warming his hands by the fire.
Jay walks in from the right, with a bag over her shoulder.
JAY- Dragon’s been fed. You’ve got a fire going, bud?
DARYN- Yep. I’m not the best, but she’s burning.
JAY- You did great.
She sits on the other log and opens the bag, pulling out two pouches of rations and two flasks, filled with water.
JAY- Are you vegetarian?
DARYN- No. (pause) That’s a weird question.
JAY- That’s because I’m a strange person. (She gets a blank stare from Daryn and sighs before continuing.) There’s some dried meat in the rations.
Jay hands him a flask and a bag of rations.
There is a tense silence between them as Jay munches on dried berries and Daryn takes a dubious sniff of the water flask.
Jay looks at him with a bit of resent.
DARYN- You know Michael, right?
JAY- The king’s right-hand man? Yeah. (pause) He looks strangely familiar… I just can’t put my finger on it.
She takes a swing of water as Daryn speaks.
DARYN- His last name is Darrenth…
Jay spits out the water in surprise and hits her chest as she coughs.
JAY- Darrenth? You’re sure it’s Darrenth?
Daryn nods.
JAY, muttering angrily- Well that sure explains it.
DARYN- So you know-know him?
JAY- I worked with his son.
Now Daryn is surprised.
DARYN- Michael had a son?
JAY- Has-had- I don’t know if he’s alive or not… We went to the same mercenary school and we both graduated top students. We went and worked together as spies for a couple years. (she shakes her head and places her hand on her forehead.) He and I were sent on a mission- dubbed the Purple Mission. We were infiltrating a poison creation center… I forget who did it, but one of us tripped an alarm. We ran out, but he pushed me down a canyon. I broke my leg, but I’m still not sure if he did it to save me or to save himself.
There’s another long silence. Jay looks angry.
JAY- Everyone thought I had killed him, because I returned and he didn’t. The agency kicked me out and I’ve been solo ever since. I just want to see him alive again and punch him in the face and then hug him. It’s confusing.
A strange voice comes from off-stage.
VOICE- Well you got that right. The feeling is mutual.
Jay pulls a dagger out of her belt and points it towards the voice. Daryn curls into a ball.
A man comes out of the forest. It’s JASON, Michael’s son, wearing chainmail armor, light and good for moving around in, with his hair all messed up. He carries a saber and a bag slung over his shoulder. He grins at Jay.
JAY- Jason… How did you…
JASON- I tracked you down. Good to see you again.
Jay stands up and punches him in the face as she said she would. Jason stumbles back a bit from the impact.
JAY, screaming- You tricked me! You pushed me in! I lost my job, my friends… I lost you! What were you thinking?
JASON, grunting- That’s the issue. I wasn’t. I wasn’t thinking. I did some stupid things and I felt bad about it, so I ran away. When I heard the reports that I was dead, killed by you… I kept my mouth shut and changed my identity. I’ve been known for the past four years as-
DARYN, mystified- Finnian.
Jason turns to Daryn, confused.
JASON- Daryn? That’s you?
DARYN- Finnian, you never told me that you were Michael’s son…
JASON, shrugging- Michael was my father the same way that King Daniel is yours and Zephyros was Jay’s. Biologically, yes, they’re your father, but psychologically you don’t see them like your dad.
JAY- Where in good hell did you learn my father’s name?
JASON- I read up the same way you did.
Jay opens her mouth and shuts it, standing up and walking off-stage.
DARYN- What’s wrong with her? You two seem very… on-edge with each other.
JASON- We did some stupid things, and she still feels a little awkward. Granted, most of them were my fault, but that’s not the issue.
DARYN- You loved her?
JASON, surprised- What? (he sputters) Loved her?
DARYN- Nevermind.
There is a long, uncomfortable silence between them. Daryn munches on his rations and looks at his feet. Jason sits where Jay once sat and plopped his bag next to hers.
Jay returns and sees Jason again. She glares daggers at him and growls.
JAY- You’re in my seat.
JASON- This is a log.
JAY- I was sitting there.
JASON- There’s more than one seat on a log.
JAY- Move.
JASON- Sit somewhere else.
Daryn is having a hard time holding in his laugh. Jay and Jason both look at him as he breaks out laughing.
DARYN- You argue like an old married couple. This is ridiculous.
JAY- Shut up.
She sits on Jason.
JAY- This is my seat.
JASON- Get off.
JAY- It’s my seat.
JASON- Get up and I’ll move.
Jay stands up and Jason picks her up. He places her onto her seat. She punches him again.
JAY- Don’t pick me up.
JASON- You sat on my lap.
JAY- That was my choice.
JASON- It was my lap.
DARYN- Oh my God.
Jay and Jason look at him angrily.
JASON- What?
JAY- Don’t you dare…
DARYN- Are you sure you two aren’t-
Jason covered Daryn's mouth.
JASON- Don’t. You. Dare.
JAY- What the hell Daryn?
DARYN, squeaking nervously- Nothing, Jay, it’s nothing.
JASON- Yes. It’s nothing important.
He lets go of Daryn and walks back to his seat on the log. This time he sits on Jay’s lap and she jumps back, shocked.
JAY, raising her voice- Jason what the hell?
JASON- It’s only fair.
Jay sighs and Daryn laughs. She places her head on his shoulder.
JAY- Why exactly did you push me?
JASON- Six years ago?
JAY, sarcastic- No, last week.
Jason rolls his eyes at her sarcasm.
JASON- Well… I was trying to save you, I guess.
JAY- By pushing me into a canyon.
JASON- Exactly.
DARYN- That sounds weird.
JASON, sarcastic- I’m so sorry I couldn’t come up with a better plan! I just couldn't think with an army of heavily armed mad scientists at my heels! I’m ashamed of myself!
Everyone goes silent. There’s a long silence, but then Jason shrugs. He stands up, and Jay stands up with him. Jason turns around at the same moment. They’re very close to each other physically, and this makes Jay obviously nervous.
JAY, nervously- Move aside… please…
JASON, sadly- As you wish.
He sidesteps, and Jay pushes past him. She turns back and walks into the forest again, going off-scene.
DARYN- Sheesh… what’s going on between you two?
JASON- Well…
DARYN- You were in love, weren’t you.
JASON, shocked- Why is that always your first assumption?
DARYN- You two act like my mom and dad used to.
JASON- I guess so. I wouldn’t call it love in its most common form, though.
DARYN- Explain?
JASON- One night. It was one night.
JASON, shrugging- There was a lot of booze involved, and we were younger… like 19 and 18. Conrad and Aletha had left us alone. In a locked-door room. With a couch. Big mistake.
Long, awkward silence.
DARYN- Do you love her more than physically?
JASON- Well… yeah. I mean no. I was drunk. She was drunk too. I mean she’s cute and all... I mean- gah! (He throws his hands in the air and storms offstage.)
DARYN- That’s weird. I mean, not that he loves her. It’s weird that he loves a woman and I don’t. My father has been showing me all these beautiful princesses… they all loved me. They loved me so much… but I didn’t. They were beautiful, yes… but I didn’t love them. Period. I just don’t get it.
Jay returns during his monologue and laughs when it’s over. Daryn turns to her, shocked.
JAY- Kid, you’re just gay.
DARYN- What I’m not gay, I’m- I’m not!
JAY- It’s ok. Don’t worry. We all go through that phase.
Jay laughs, and Daryn looks around, kind of scared.
DARYN- Don’t tell my father…
JAY- I won’t. I won’t.
Silence. Daryn slumps forwards. Jay sighs and crosses her arms.
JAY- You look tired.
DARYN- I feel tired.
JAY- You are tired. Come on, you should get some sleep.
DARYN- Good idea…
Daryn goes into the tent, and Jay sits by the fire again, poking at it with Jason’s sword.
Jason walks back onto the scene and sees this. He stands behind her in shock, but in silence. Jay begins to hum to herself.
JASON- I remember that song.
Jay doesn’t look up from poking the fire. She just stares into it.
JAY- You do, huh?
JASON- Yeah. Conrad and Aletha taught it to us. Anthem of the Mercenary. I loved it. I sang it when I was doing chores.
JAY- I remember that. It was annoying, having to share a cabin with you, you know.
JASON- Wait you were annoyed? Why didn’t you tell me?
JAY- Because you’re cute when you sing. (she pauses) And you’re only cute then and then only.
Silence. Jason is quite shocked, but Jay just keeps poking at the fire.
JASON, after clearing his throat- So, where’s the Prince?
Daryn snores.
JAY- Sleeping.
Jason shifts his weight uncomfortably. Jay sighs.
JAY- You know I heard everything, right?
JASON- What? You heard what?
JAY, laughing- Wow. Playing the amnesia game again, aren’t we?
JASON- I had a hangover. I couldn’t think.
JAY- Seems like that’s a recurring theme here.
JASON- Did you just-
Jay cuts him off, standing up and pointing his sword at him.
JAY- Yes I did, yes I did.
JAY, angrier- You’re an idiot, Jason.
JASON, quietly- Shut it.
JAY, louder- You’re the stupidest idiot to ever say something dumb. You’ve got less IQ than a box of rotten mints.
JASON, a little louder- I said shut it…
JAY, yelling- You’re pathetic, and weak, and scared of everything. You couldn’t protect the people closest to you, and in the end, you let everyone left who loved you think you were dead, just to rub salt into the wound. My wound, a wound you gave me, a wound you left me with for six years, Jason. I’ve said it countless times, and I’ll say it again… you’re an idiot, Jason. A pathetic, weak, terrified idiot.
JASON, yelling in return- I said shut it!
He rips the sword from her hand and throws it away. He grabs her by the shoulders roughly and shakes her up.
JASON, shakingly, like he’s starting to cry- I did it to protect you. The fact that I couldn’t save my sister or my mother is irrelevant. I tried to save you, I really did… when the dust had settled I went looking for you…
He breaks down, letting go of Jay and falling to his knees in tears.
JAY, softly- But you didn’t find me.
JASON, murmuring- I did, I did… you were screaming my name into the wind. You were treating me like dirt… I knew if I showed myself to you, you would have killed me.
JAY, without a hint of sarcasm, her voice very serious- Poor you.
Jason just curls into the fetal position, crying. Jay sits next to him. She starts to play with his hair.
JAY- Soft.
JASON, laughing and crying- Oh my god, Jay…
JAY- It’s always been. Like your heart. You gel it up, it gets bristly… but deep down, in reality, you’re soft. Adorable. A fluffy little boy… (her voice trails off and she curls up behind him, draping her arm over his side and hugging him. She puts her head on his shoulder.)
JASON, murmuring- I’m glad you found me again.
JAY, whispering- You found me.
They fall asleep. The curtain falls.
End of Part 2.
End of Act 1.
The forest. The window is gone. There is a small camp set up, with a tent on the left and two logs on the sides of a campfire. Daryn is sitting on the log to the left, warming his hands by the fire.
Jay walks in from the right, with a bag over her shoulder.
JAY- Dragon’s been fed. You’ve got a fire going, bud?
DARYN- Yep. I’m not the best, but she’s burning.
JAY- You did great.
She sits on the other log and opens the bag, pulling out two pouches of rations and two flasks, filled with water.
JAY- Are you vegetarian?
DARYN- No. (pause) That’s a weird question.
JAY- That’s because I’m a strange person. (She gets a blank stare from Daryn and sighs before continuing.) There’s some dried meat in the rations.
Jay hands him a flask and a bag of rations.
There is a tense silence between them as Jay munches on dried berries and Daryn takes a dubious sniff of the water flask.
Jay looks at him with a bit of resent.
DARYN- You know Michael, right?
JAY- The king’s right-hand man? Yeah. (pause) He looks strangely familiar… I just can’t put my finger on it.
She takes a swing of water as Daryn speaks.
DARYN- His last name is Darrenth…
Jay spits out the water in surprise and hits her chest as she coughs.
JAY- Darrenth? You’re sure it’s Darrenth?
Daryn nods.
JAY, muttering angrily- Well that sure explains it.
DARYN- So you know-know him?
JAY- I worked with his son.
Now Daryn is surprised.
DARYN- Michael had a son?
JAY- Has-had- I don’t know if he’s alive or not… We went to the same mercenary school and we both graduated top students. We went and worked together as spies for a couple years. (she shakes her head and places her hand on her forehead.) He and I were sent on a mission- dubbed the Purple Mission. We were infiltrating a poison creation center… I forget who did it, but one of us tripped an alarm. We ran out, but he pushed me down a canyon. I broke my leg, but I’m still not sure if he did it to save me or to save himself.
There’s another long silence. Jay looks angry.
JAY- Everyone thought I had killed him, because I returned and he didn’t. The agency kicked me out and I’ve been solo ever since. I just want to see him alive again and punch him in the face and then hug him. It’s confusing.
A strange voice comes from off-stage.
VOICE- Well you got that right. The feeling is mutual.
Jay pulls a dagger out of her belt and points it towards the voice. Daryn curls into a ball.
A man comes out of the forest. It’s JASON, Michael’s son, wearing chainmail armor, light and good for moving around in, with his hair all messed up. He carries a saber and a bag slung over his shoulder. He grins at Jay.
JAY- Jason… How did you…
JASON- I tracked you down. Good to see you again.
Jay stands up and punches him in the face as she said she would. Jason stumbles back a bit from the impact.
JAY, screaming- You tricked me! You pushed me in! I lost my job, my friends… I lost you! What were you thinking?
JASON, grunting- That’s the issue. I wasn’t. I wasn’t thinking. I did some stupid things and I felt bad about it, so I ran away. When I heard the reports that I was dead, killed by you… I kept my mouth shut and changed my identity. I’ve been known for the past four years as-
DARYN, mystified- Finnian.
Jason turns to Daryn, confused.
JASON- Daryn? That’s you?
DARYN- Finnian, you never told me that you were Michael’s son…
JASON, shrugging- Michael was my father the same way that King Daniel is yours and Zephyros was Jay’s. Biologically, yes, they’re your father, but psychologically you don’t see them like your dad.
JAY- Where in good hell did you learn my father’s name?
JASON- I read up the same way you did.
Jay opens her mouth and shuts it, standing up and walking off-stage.
DARYN- What’s wrong with her? You two seem very… on-edge with each other.
JASON- We did some stupid things, and she still feels a little awkward. Granted, most of them were my fault, but that’s not the issue.
DARYN- You loved her?
JASON, surprised- What? (he sputters) Loved her?
DARYN- Nevermind.
There is a long, uncomfortable silence between them. Daryn munches on his rations and looks at his feet. Jason sits where Jay once sat and plopped his bag next to hers.
Jay returns and sees Jason again. She glares daggers at him and growls.
JAY- You’re in my seat.
JASON- This is a log.
JAY- I was sitting there.
JASON- There’s more than one seat on a log.
JAY- Move.
JASON- Sit somewhere else.
Daryn is having a hard time holding in his laugh. Jay and Jason both look at him as he breaks out laughing.
DARYN- You argue like an old married couple. This is ridiculous.
JAY- Shut up.
She sits on Jason.
JAY- This is my seat.
JASON- Get off.
JAY- It’s my seat.
JASON- Get up and I’ll move.
Jay stands up and Jason picks her up. He places her onto her seat. She punches him again.
JAY- Don’t pick me up.
JASON- You sat on my lap.
JAY- That was my choice.
JASON- It was my lap.
DARYN- Oh my God.
Jay and Jason look at him angrily.
JASON- What?
JAY- Don’t you dare…
DARYN- Are you sure you two aren’t-
Jason covered Daryn's mouth.
JASON- Don’t. You. Dare.
JAY- What the hell Daryn?
DARYN, squeaking nervously- Nothing, Jay, it’s nothing.
JASON- Yes. It’s nothing important.
He lets go of Daryn and walks back to his seat on the log. This time he sits on Jay’s lap and she jumps back, shocked.
JAY, raising her voice- Jason what the hell?
JASON- It’s only fair.
Jay sighs and Daryn laughs. She places her head on his shoulder.
JAY- Why exactly did you push me?
JASON- Six years ago?
JAY, sarcastic- No, last week.
Jason rolls his eyes at her sarcasm.
JASON- Well… I was trying to save you, I guess.
JAY- By pushing me into a canyon.
JASON- Exactly.
DARYN- That sounds weird.
JASON, sarcastic- I’m so sorry I couldn’t come up with a better plan! I just couldn't think with an army of heavily armed mad scientists at my heels! I’m ashamed of myself!
Everyone goes silent. There’s a long silence, but then Jason shrugs. He stands up, and Jay stands up with him. Jason turns around at the same moment. They’re very close to each other physically, and this makes Jay obviously nervous.
JAY, nervously- Move aside… please…
JASON, sadly- As you wish.
He sidesteps, and Jay pushes past him. She turns back and walks into the forest again, going off-scene.
DARYN- Sheesh… what’s going on between you two?
JASON- Well…
DARYN- You were in love, weren’t you.
JASON, shocked- Why is that always your first assumption?
DARYN- You two act like my mom and dad used to.
JASON- I guess so. I wouldn’t call it love in its most common form, though.
DARYN- Explain?
JASON- One night. It was one night.
JASON, shrugging- There was a lot of booze involved, and we were younger… like 19 and 18. Conrad and Aletha had left us alone. In a locked-door room. With a couch. Big mistake.
Long, awkward silence.
DARYN- Do you love her more than physically?
JASON- Well… yeah. I mean no. I was drunk. She was drunk too. I mean she’s cute and all... I mean- gah! (He throws his hands in the air and storms offstage.)
DARYN- That’s weird. I mean, not that he loves her. It’s weird that he loves a woman and I don’t. My father has been showing me all these beautiful princesses… they all loved me. They loved me so much… but I didn’t. They were beautiful, yes… but I didn’t love them. Period. I just don’t get it.
Jay returns during his monologue and laughs when it’s over. Daryn turns to her, shocked.
JAY- Kid, you’re just gay.
DARYN- What I’m not gay, I’m- I’m not!
JAY- It’s ok. Don’t worry. We all go through that phase.
Jay laughs, and Daryn looks around, kind of scared.
DARYN- Don’t tell my father…
JAY- I won’t. I won’t.
Silence. Daryn slumps forwards. Jay sighs and crosses her arms.
JAY- You look tired.
DARYN- I feel tired.
JAY- You are tired. Come on, you should get some sleep.
DARYN- Good idea…
Daryn goes into the tent, and Jay sits by the fire again, poking at it with Jason’s sword.
Jason walks back onto the scene and sees this. He stands behind her in shock, but in silence. Jay begins to hum to herself.
JASON- I remember that song.
Jay doesn’t look up from poking the fire. She just stares into it.
JAY- You do, huh?
JASON- Yeah. Conrad and Aletha taught it to us. Anthem of the Mercenary. I loved it. I sang it when I was doing chores.
JAY- I remember that. It was annoying, having to share a cabin with you, you know.
JASON- Wait you were annoyed? Why didn’t you tell me?
JAY- Because you’re cute when you sing. (she pauses) And you’re only cute then and then only.
Silence. Jason is quite shocked, but Jay just keeps poking at the fire.
JASON, after clearing his throat- So, where’s the Prince?
Daryn snores.
JAY- Sleeping.
Jason shifts his weight uncomfortably. Jay sighs.
JAY- You know I heard everything, right?
JASON- What? You heard what?
JAY, laughing- Wow. Playing the amnesia game again, aren’t we?
JASON- I had a hangover. I couldn’t think.
JAY- Seems like that’s a recurring theme here.
JASON- Did you just-
Jay cuts him off, standing up and pointing his sword at him.
JAY- Yes I did, yes I did.
JAY, angrier- You’re an idiot, Jason.
JASON, quietly- Shut it.
JAY, louder- You’re the stupidest idiot to ever say something dumb. You’ve got less IQ than a box of rotten mints.
JASON, a little louder- I said shut it…
JAY, yelling- You’re pathetic, and weak, and scared of everything. You couldn’t protect the people closest to you, and in the end, you let everyone left who loved you think you were dead, just to rub salt into the wound. My wound, a wound you gave me, a wound you left me with for six years, Jason. I’ve said it countless times, and I’ll say it again… you’re an idiot, Jason. A pathetic, weak, terrified idiot.
JASON, yelling in return- I said shut it!
He rips the sword from her hand and throws it away. He grabs her by the shoulders roughly and shakes her up.
JASON, shakingly, like he’s starting to cry- I did it to protect you. The fact that I couldn’t save my sister or my mother is irrelevant. I tried to save you, I really did… when the dust had settled I went looking for you…
He breaks down, letting go of Jay and falling to his knees in tears.
JAY, softly- But you didn’t find me.
JASON, murmuring- I did, I did… you were screaming my name into the wind. You were treating me like dirt… I knew if I showed myself to you, you would have killed me.
JAY, without a hint of sarcasm, her voice very serious- Poor you.
Jason just curls into the fetal position, crying. Jay sits next to him. She starts to play with his hair.
JAY- Soft.
JASON, laughing and crying- Oh my god, Jay…
JAY- It’s always been. Like your heart. You gel it up, it gets bristly… but deep down, in reality, you’re soft. Adorable. A fluffy little boy… (her voice trails off and she curls up behind him, draping her arm over his side and hugging him. She puts her head on his shoulder.)
JASON, murmuring- I’m glad you found me again.
JAY, whispering- You found me.
They fall asleep. The curtain falls.
End of Part 2.
End of Act 1.
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